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Overhead view of landfill with garbage trucks

Act Now to Shut Down Toxic Landfills

Burying our trash in the ground doesn't eliminate the garbage for good. All the toxic chemicals and materials in our trash seep out as leachate (garbage juice), contaminating our soil and groundwater. 

Communities living near toxic landfills experience this firsthand. For instance, 40 home wells near the Southbridge Landfill in Massachusetts were likely contaminated by toxic leachate draining into nearby groundwater. Those families can no longer drink water from their own taps. 

We don't need bigger landfills to deal with our waste. We need to produce less trash. And we can start by moving towards zero-waste alternatives, like composting and reusable container systems. 

Send a message to your governor urging them to shut down the toxic landfills endangering communities in your state. Ask them to replace these polluting garbage piles with zero-waste alternatives.




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